PT Indonesian Tobacco Tbk.
Laporan Posisi Keuangan
Statements of Financial Position
Keterangan | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | Description |
Aset Lancar | 141.368.524.710 | 152.684.650.832 | 138.385.285.688 | 142.830.758.861 | 89.878.590.302 | Current Assets |
Aset Tidak Lancar | 418.984.801.225 | 400.522.661.450 | 388.318.887.816 | 362.246.409.978 | 357.933.144.768 | Non Current Assets |
Total Aset | 560.353.325.935 | 553.207.312.282 | 526.704.173.504 | 505.077.168.839 | 447.811.735.070 | Total Assets |
Liabilitas Jangka Pendek | 138.903.774.636 | 144.218.917.325 | 157.791.488.422 | 158.227.829.403 | 140.593.459.503 | Current Liabilities |
Liabilitas Jangka Panjang | 23.518.340.351 | 44.667.191.639 | | | 41.067.957.987 | Non Current Liabilities |
Total Liabilitas | 162.422.114.987 | 188.886.108.964 | 202.024.664.317 | 225.250.911.830 | 181.661.417.490 | Total Liabilities |
Ekuitas | 397.931.210.948 | 364.321.203.318 | 324.679.509.187 | 279.826.257.009 | 266.150.317.580 | Equity |
Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas | 560.353.325.935 | 553.207.312.282 | 526.704.173.504 | 505.077.168.839 | 447.811.735.070 | Total Liabilities and Equity |
Laporan Laba Rugi
Statement of Profit or Loss
Keterangan | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | Description |
Penjualan Neto | 303.928.233.031 | 279.179.553.590 | 238.398.863.725 | 224.296.360.636 | 166.565.482.035 | Net Sales |
Beban Pokok Penjualan | (228.510.495.577) | (207.393.339.745) | (174.603.088.666) | (163.800.835.819) | (122.574.195.311) | Cost of Good Sold |
Laba Bruto | 75.417.737.454 | 71.786.213.845 | 63.795.775.059 | 60.495.524.817 | 43.991.286.724 | Gross Profit |
Beban Usaha | (26.771.534.963) | ( | (21.680.848.802) | (23.034.629.087) | (15.972.760.026) | Operating Expenses |
Penghasilan Keuangan | 2.472.064 | 1.305.932 | 1.257.026 | 3.338.928 | 20.581.619 | Finance Income |
Laba (Rugi) Penjualan Aset Tetap | - | 70.061.732 | 100.909.092 | 18.483.750 | (27.689.074) | Profil (Loss) on Sales of FA |
Selisih Kurs | 1.258.794 | 36.904.617 | (4.327.544) | (83.672) | (9.265.408) | Foreign Exchange Diff |
Beban Keuangan | (12.657.427.659) | (15.311.265.240) | (18.360.033.727) | (18.578.597.327) | (19.698.973.258) | Financial Costs |
Denda Pajak | (45.526.981) | (5.238.449.783) | (11.845.341.067) | Tax Penalty | ||
Pemulihan Imbalan Kerja | 331.035.930 | 680.073.881 | Recovery of Employee Benefit | |||
Beban Lain-lain Neto | 271.110.688 | 523.611.065 | 396.141.469 | 219.760.038 | 236.604.614 | Others-Net |
Laba/Rugi Sebelum Pajak | | 32.279.830.698 | 24.928.946.454 | 13.885.347.664 | (3.305.555.876) | Income (Loss) Before Tax |
Pajak Penghasilan | (9.254.462.122) | (8.327.507.522) | (6.560.329.812) | (7.765.307.452) | (3.694.589.944) | Income Tax |
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan | 26.963.627.275 | 23.952.323.176 | 18.368.616.642 | | ( | Income (Loss) for the Year |
Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain | Other Comprehensive Income | |||||
Item yang Tidak Akan Direklasifikasikan ke Laba Rugi | Item that will not be reclassified to Profit and Loss | |||||
Pengukuran Kembali atas Liabilitas Imbalan Kerja | (293.341.568) | 264.175.244 | 295.924.461 | 806.356.789 | (788.160.147) | Remeasurement of Employee Benefits Liabilities |
Peningkatan Revaluasi Aset Tetap | 11.578.786.779 | 15.483.314.265 | 26.253.814.457 | 6.926.940.922 | | Increase in Revaluation Surplus of Fixed Asset |
Pajak Penghasilan Terkait | 64.535.144 | (58.118.554) | (65.103.382) | (177.398.494) | 197.040.037 | Related Income Tax |
Item yang akan Direklasifikasikan ke Laba Rugi | Item that will be reclassified to Profit Loss | |||||
Total Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan | 38.313.607.630 | 39.641.694.131 | 44.853.252.178 | 13.675.939.429 | 8.523.789.018 | Total Comprehensive Income for the Year |
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan per Saham Dasar | 28,66 | 25,46 | 19,53 | 6,51 | (8,73) | Basic Earnings (Loss) per Share for the Year |
EBITDA | 60.598.473.356 | 54.947.667.633 | 50.530.029.450 | 45.539.507.682 | 36.908.194.954 | EBITDA |
Kenaikan EBITDA | 10,28% | 8,74% | 10,95% | 23,4% | 31,8% | EBITDA increase rate |
Laporan Arus Kas
Statement of Cash Flows
Keterangan | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | Description |
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi | 67.991.529.561 | 31.371.142.434 | 45.584.772.931 | (23.530.287.434) | (35.696.062.615) | Cash Flows from Operating Activities |
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi | (15.094.516.969) | (438.930.030) | (4.540.731.312) | (4.538.162.608) | (33.890.768.086) | Cash Flows from Investing Activities |
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan | (52.200.917.432) | (31.896.839.674) | (41.708.414.774) | 30.157.454.458 | 66.918.331.454 | Cash Flows from Financing Activities |
Peningkatan (Penurunan) Neto Kas dan Bank | 696.095.160 | (964.627.270) | (664.373.155) | | (2.668.499.247) | Cash on Hand and in Banks Net Increase (Decrease) in |
Kas dan Bank, Awal Tahun | 1.582.680.952 | 2.547.308.222 | 3.211.681.377 | 1.122.676.961 | 3.791.176.208 | Cash on Hand and in Banks, Beginning of the Year |
Kas dan Bank, Akhir Tahun | 2.278.776.112 | 1.582.680.952 | 2.547.308.222 | 3.211.681.377 | 1.122.676.961 | Cash on Hand and in Banks, End of the Year |
Rasio Keuangan
Financial Ratios
Keterangan | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | Description |
Marjin Laba Kotor | 24,81% | 25,71% | 26,76% | 26,97% | 26,41% | Gross Profit Margin |
Marjin Laba Operational | 16,01% | 16,70% | 17,67% | 16,70% | 16,82% | Operating Profit Margin |
Marjin Laba Bersih | 8,87% | 8,58% | 7,70% | 2,73% | (4,20%) | Net Profit Margin |
Rasio Pengembalian Ekuitas | 6,78% | 6,57% | 5,66% | 2,19% | (2,63%) | Return on Equity Ratio |
Rasio Pengembalian Aset | 4,81% | 4,33% | 3,49% | 1,21% | (1,56%) | Return on Asset Ratio |
Rasio Lancar | 101,77% | 105,87% | 87,70% | 90,27% | 63,94% | Current Ratio |
Rasio Liabilitas Terhadap Ekuitas | 40,82% | 51,85% | 62,22% | 80,50% | 68,26% | Debt to Equity Ratio |
Rasio Liabilitas Terhadap Aset | 28,99% | 34,14% | 38,36% | 44,60% | 40,57% | Debt to Asset Ratio |
PT Indonesian Tobacco Tbk.
Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 92
Malang-65122, East Java, Indonesia
Roll Your Own Tobacco
+62 341 491017
+62 341 491407