PT Indonesian Tobacco Tbk.

Laporan Posisi Keuangan
Statements of Financial Position
Keterangan 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Description
Aset Lancar 141.368.524.710 152.684.650.832 138.385.285.688 142.830.758.861 89.878.590.302 Current Assets
Aset Tidak Lancar 418.984.801.225 400.522.661.450 388.318.887.816 362.246.409.978 357.933.144.768 Non Current Assets
Total Aset 560.353.325.935 553.207.312.282 526.704.173.504 505.077.168.839 447.811.735.070 Total Assets
Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 138.903.774.636 144.218.917.325 157.791.488.422 158.227.829.403 140.593.459.503 Current Liabilities
Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 23.518.340.351 44.667.191.639 41.067.957.987 Non Current Liabilities
Total Liabilitas 162.422.114.987 188.886.108.964 202.024.664.317 225.250.911.830 181.661.417.490 Total Liabilities
Ekuitas 397.931.210.948 364.321.203.318 324.679.509.187 279.826.257.009 266.150.317.580 Equity
Total Liabilitas dan Ekuitas 560.353.325.935 553.207.312.282 526.704.173.504 505.077.168.839 447.811.735.070 Total Liabilities and Equity

Laporan Laba Rugi
Statement of Profit or Loss
Keterangan 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Description
Penjualan Neto 303.928.233.031 279.179.553.590 238.398.863.725 224.296.360.636 166.565.482.035 Net Sales
Beban Pokok Penjualan (228.510.495.577) (207.393.339.745) (174.603.088.666) (163.800.835.819) (122.574.195.311) Cost of Good Sold
Laba Bruto 75.417.737.454 71.786.213.845 63.795.775.059 60.495.524.817 43.991.286.724 Gross Profit
Beban Usaha (26.771.534.963) ( (21.680.848.802) (23.034.629.087) (15.972.760.026) Operating Expenses
Penghasilan Keuangan 2.472.064 1.305.932 1.257.026 3.338.928 20.581.619 Finance Income
Laba (Rugi) Penjualan Aset Tetap - 70.061.732 100.909.092 18.483.750 (27.689.074) Profil (Loss) on Sales of FA
Selisih Kurs 1.258.794 36.904.617 (4.327.544) (83.672) (9.265.408) Foreign Exchange Diff
Beban Keuangan (12.657.427.659) (15.311.265.240) (18.360.033.727) (18.578.597.327) (19.698.973.258) Financial Costs
Denda Pajak (45.526.981) (5.238.449.783) (11.845.341.067) Tax Penalty
Pemulihan Imbalan Kerja 331.035.930 680.073.881 Recovery of Employee Benefit
Beban Lain-lain Neto 271.110.688 523.611.065 396.141.469 219.760.038 236.604.614 Others-Net
Laba/Rugi Sebelum Pajak 32.279.830.698 24.928.946.454 13.885.347.664 (3.305.555.876) Income (Loss) Before Tax
Pajak Penghasilan (9.254.462.122) (8.327.507.522) (6.560.329.812) (7.765.307.452) (3.694.589.944) Income Tax
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan 26.963.627.275 23.952.323.176 18.368.616.642 ( Income (Loss) for the Year
Penghasilan Komprehensif Lain Other Comprehensive Income
Item yang Tidak Akan Direklasifikasikan ke Laba Rugi Item that will not be reclassified to Profit and Loss
Pengukuran Kembali atas Liabilitas Imbalan Kerja (293.341.568) 264.175.244 295.924.461 806.356.789 (788.160.147) Remeasurement of Employee Benefits Liabilities
Peningkatan Revaluasi Aset Tetap 11.578.786.779 15.483.314.265 26.253.814.457 6.926.940.922 Increase in Revaluation Surplus of Fixed Asset
Pajak Penghasilan Terkait 64.535.144 (58.118.554) (65.103.382) (177.398.494) 197.040.037 Related Income Tax
Item yang akan Direklasifikasikan ke Laba Rugi Item that will be reclassified to Profit Loss
Total Laba Komprehensif Tahun Berjalan 38.313.607.630 39.641.694.131 44.853.252.178 13.675.939.429 8.523.789.018 Total Comprehensive Income for the Year
Laba (Rugi) Tahun Berjalan per Saham Dasar 28,66 25,46 19,53 6,51 (8,73) Basic Earnings (Loss) per Share for the Year
EBITDA 60.598.473.356 54.947.667.633 50.530.029.450 45.539.507.682 36.908.194.954 EBITDA
Kenaikan EBITDA 10,28% 8,74% 10,95% 23,4% 31,8% EBITDA increase rate

Laporan Arus Kas
Statement of Cash Flows
Keterangan 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Description
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Operasi 67.991.529.561 31.371.142.434 45.584.772.931 (23.530.287.434) (35.696.062.615) Cash Flows from Operating Activities
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Investasi (15.094.516.969) (438.930.030) (4.540.731.312) (4.538.162.608) (33.890.768.086) Cash Flows from Investing Activities
Arus Kas dari Aktivitas Pendanaan (52.200.917.432) (31.896.839.674) (41.708.414.774) 30.157.454.458 66.918.331.454 Cash Flows from Financing Activities
Peningkatan (Penurunan) Neto Kas dan Bank 696.095.160 (964.627.270) (664.373.155) (2.668.499.247) Cash on Hand and in Banks Net Increase (Decrease) in
Kas dan Bank, Awal Tahun 1.582.680.952 2.547.308.222 3.211.681.377 1.122.676.961 3.791.176.208 Cash on Hand and in Banks, Beginning of the Year
Kas dan Bank, Akhir Tahun 2.278.776.112 1.582.680.952 2.547.308.222 3.211.681.377 1.122.676.961 Cash on Hand and in Banks, End of the Year

Rasio Keuangan
Financial Ratios
Keterangan 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 Description
Marjin Laba Kotor 24,81% 25,71% 26,76% 26,97% 26,41% Gross Profit Margin
Marjin Laba Operational 16,01% 16,70% 17,67% 16,70% 16,82% Operating Profit Margin
Marjin Laba Bersih 8,87% 8,58% 7,70% 2,73% (4,20%) Net Profit Margin
Rasio Pengembalian Ekuitas 6,78% 6,57% 5,66% 2,19% (2,63%) Return on Equity Ratio
Rasio Pengembalian Aset 4,81% 4,33% 3,49% 1,21% (1,56%) Return on Asset Ratio
Rasio Lancar 101,77% 105,87% 87,70% 90,27% 63,94% Current Ratio
Rasio Liabilitas Terhadap Ekuitas 40,82% 51,85% 62,22% 80,50% 68,26% Debt to Equity Ratio
Rasio Liabilitas Terhadap Aset 28,99% 34,14% 38,36% 44,60% 40,57% Debt to Asset Ratio


PT Indonesian Tobacco Tbk.

Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 92
Malang-65122, East Java, Indonesia

Roll Your Own Tobacco


+62 341 491017


+62 341 491407
